Heating & Air ConditioningIf you need services for heating and air in Union Bridge, MD, reach out to the team at Weather Masters Corp.. Your HVAC system is critical for keeping your home comfortable during cold spells when temperatures can drop to 14 degrees below zero or heat waves when temperatures rise as high as the upper 80s in Maryland. We offer expert heating and air conditioning installation, repair, and maintenance services.

    As your HVAC system ages, you’re more likely to need repairs. Wear and tear occur and cause parts to begin malfunctioning. HVAC maintenance services keep your system operating more efficiently and less likely to break down. When it comes time to replace your old system, we have you covered with expert installation services performed by HVAC technicians with decades of experience.

    Union Bridge Heating and Air Repair

    When HVAC problems arise, seeking prompt repairs is critical for preventing ongoing damage to the components. Our expert HVAC technicians provide repair services for all HVAC systems, including electric and gas. Although we’re a Lennox Premier Dealer, we work on all makes and models.

    The following are some signs you need heating and air repairs.
    • Changes in airflow volume
    • Increased energy bills
    • Aging system
    • Odd noises and odors
    • Excess dust and moisture

    Heating and Air Installation Services

    HVAC systems last between 10 to 20 years, depending on the care they receive through maintenance and repairs. As your unit grows older, you should begin considering a new system to prevent increased electricity costs and poor efficiency.

    Pay careful attention to the SEER rating when selecting a new HVAC unit. These ratings go as high as 21, and you should never choose an HVAC system with a rating below 13. If you upgrade from a 9 to 14 rating, your energy consumption will drop by 35% or more. Allow our expert technicians at Weather Masters Corp. to install your new HVAC unit.

    Heating and Air Conditioning Maintenance

    Maintenance is critical for helping you avoid repair issues and prolong the lifespan of your HVAC system. Whether new or old, your unit can benefit greatly from having our technicians perform routine maintenance. During an annual maintenance appointment, we check every component. We’ll lubricate moving parts, tighten connections, test the pressure level, and ensure the system has the proper refrigerant levels.

    HVAC Contractor

    We’ll ensure your HVAC system operates safely to keep your home comfortable all year. Our routine maintenance makes your HVAC system more reliable. You can also save money on repair costs in the long run.

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    If you need services for heating and air in Union Bridge, contact Weather Masters Corp. today to schedule your appointment.